Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Newborn Checklist.

Being a 1st time parents, we've got a list of things that we will need to buy and here is our list :

Our Newborn Checklist.

For Daily Use :

1) Baby Napkins
2) Diapers
3) Bottle Brush / Cleanser / Detergent
4) Feeding bottles (10)
5) Pacifiers / Keeper
6) Wipes / Wet tissues
7) Sterilizer / Bottle Tong
8) Bottle warmer / Flask
9) Nappy Liners / Rash Cream

Baby Care / Bathing:

1) Bath Foam / Shampoo
2) Bath Mat / Sponge
3) Bath Towel / Face Towel
4) Baby Powder / Lotion / Oil
5) Cloth Detergent
6) Cotton Buds
7) Nasal Aspirator

Cot / Beddings :

1) Mattress
2) Bedding Sheets (3-5 sets)
3) Baby Pillow & Bolster
4) Blanket / Cot Bumper
5) Net Bouncer
6) Baby Cot
7) Baby Play Gym
8) Musical Mobile
9) Baby Rattle / Crib Toys
10) Play Pen

Clothing :

1) Bibs
2) Diaper Pants
3) Mittens & Botties
4) Long Pants & Shirts
5) Shorts & T-shirts
6) Hats
7) Handkerchiefs
8) Romper

Outing :

1) Baby Stroller
2) Nursery / Diaper bag
3) Car Seat
4) Travel Changing Mat
5) Bottle Warmer
6) Stroller Toys

Others (optional) :

1) Baby Monitor
2) Night / Crib light
3) Mosquito Net & Stand

Nursing :

1) Breast Pump / Storage Kit
2) Breast Pad
3) Nursing Bra / Dress
4) Nipple cream / Shield
5) Post Natal Girdle (Bengkung)
6) Feeding Pillow (optional)

Ok, that's our list. I guess that's all we need at this moment, not sure if we have left out any other things. Even if we have, we'll just get it later lar.

Preparation for Junior's arrival.

Another 2 more months to go before, our little bundle of joy arrives. I really can't wait to hold him in my arms and start kissing him. Yes, it's a little boy we are expecting and we couldn't be happier. =) It's our 1st child so it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy. Which ever it is we will love her / him lots and that's for sure.

These past few days, I've been dreaming that I've gave birth and I'm holding our baby in my arms. Is this normal? Or am I being extremely desperate? Anyway, hubby and I are so excited as my EDD is getting nearer. We are now so busy preparing for Juniors arrival because we want to make sure that we have everything we need to welcome Junior into the world. We been going around shopping and looking at things which we might need. Nowadays, baby things are not cheap at all but I think it's worth spending the $$$ as it brings joy and happiness to our family.

We managed to save some $$$ on the baby cot, hubby's aunt gave us one as her twin girls are already big now and don't need the cot anymore *(Thanks Aunty Sheki). Hubby is all so excited with the ideas of painting it and setting it up. While I'm now at the moment of finding a perfect place in my wardrobe to put all the stuffs that we have bought for Junior. Need to do a lot of washing of new clothes and nappies cloth too. All this preparation has made hubby be coming more responsible and I think he likes it that way. I'm so proud of him.

Well we are only half way there with all these preparations. Busy, Busy, Busy but EXCITED, EXCITED, EXCITED....hahaha..